Marilu Thomas | Associate Rector

Marilu has served as Associate Rector since September 15, 2014. She specializes in Mission and Service, leading mission trips to Honduras and participating in Haiti Medical Missions, as well as organizing the church’s various local missions including the PACEM shelter, Loaves and Fishes soup kitchen, Habitat for Humanity teams and serves on the board of The Haven day shelter. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, she graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in Journalism and received a dual degree Masters of Divinity/Masters in Social Work for Luther Seminary/Augsburg College in 2009. As an Ordained Minister, Spiritual Director, and Social Worker, Marilu has a deep affinity for those who doubt and struggle with accepting God’s grace. Having worked in a variety of settings with people of all backgrounds, she brings an abiding sense of community to her work as well as a listening ear. A dedicated member of 12 Step groups, Rev. Thomas is also a Mindfulness Self-Compassion practitioner, leads Christian Mindfulness Retreats and Marriage/Relationship workshops. Marilu has been married to Stuart since 1982 and they have two daughters, Callie and Kristin, a son-in-law, Caleb, and two granddaughters, Lucy and Annabel who all thankfully live in Charlottesville. Marilu feels especially blessed and graced to be part of the faith-filled work of Christ Church.